Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sunny And Bright, Worlds Of Rats Running Races, Chasing Bucks, Cash, Money, Heads To Count, In The Land Of Dreams.Orange County California.

Faces to hide, horns to hide, views to hide, not in this world, in a world of frogs, fish to fry.YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID, ME TWO, SAME COIN TO FLIP, LOTS OF LOVE, WITH THAT.Dick Jarrot, toads and frogs, new York by the generations, three ways to be a fool. FaceTime .?Bitches In Heat, Cows, Dawgs, Cattle To Run, 5 Stops, 5 Stars In The Night, Bitches On Top. In a perfect World’ r 😩💙🌊 🌊💙🐚Blame it on my mermaid soul 🐚💙🌊 Sunny And Bright, Worlds Of Rats Running Races, Chasing Bucks, Cash, Money, Heads To Count, In The Land Of Dreams.Orange County California.

Nazi,Deals With Micky Mice, Disneyland Nightmares, Veterans Alerts, PTSD Fights, Cakes And Candy, Not Sold For Head Trips.

Songs to sing, flags to fly, ships of fools on the water, song and dances on the sands of time, American rites, hands in the air, who cares, who to blame, fucks to give, fucks to take, out of free fucks, just saying... Be happy and acknowledge the things you are blessed with.Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry.💥😎🌊🌊🏄, A fun day at a home break.Cheers, Chaps, Chicks..... Quite poetic. Eclectic I am not.Turning Pages:Sunny And Bright, Worlds Of Rats Running Races, Chasing Bucks, Cash, Money, Heads To Count, In The Land Of Dreams.Orange County California.

Roles played within the Jarrots Gay and Happy Clan of cheaters, liars, steal from each other, will still your credit and cash. Tools of school of hard knocks for Charles R. Jarrot: 7607778998. Fake friends not needed had a period of five years in hell, camping in a RV of courses, just for a life style of sex and drugs and a way back to doctors.Sunny And Bright, Worlds Of Rats Running Races, Chasing Bucks, Cash, Money, Heads To Count, In The Land Of Dreams.Orange County California.

100% and caretaker stole money, cars, and scooters that I paid for from me, my mind is out to lunch or out in space most of the time, does not matter to me as much as other people. Hope that help you understand some of the things I have sent to you by email. It is kind of nice without the faces in the beginning. Most do not get that far, short attention spans, and self serving to be friends.Sunny And Bright, Worlds Of Rats Running Races, Chasing Bucks, Cash, Money, Heads To Count, In The Land Of Dreams.Orange County California.

Jewish Rites, Tips. Happy and delighted for the joys and pains of the lessons learned, gifts of joy and pleasures for the words to used to tell the tales, treats to share of the good, bad and ugly acts of kindness? Views in the mirror, views of the frogs, views of the fake friends. Mountains to climb, valleys to cross, bumps in the road, all part of the wheel of life, make the most of time given, reach for more gifts of peace, love, and good times. Reasons, seasons, causes, projects to complete, limit time left in the year to finish. [image: Image result for sinners] New world to make. Snake Class, Views of Snakes, 12 Clocks to Check.

Day of the dead, November 2, 2018. Gift from gods or Roman God of War, March Madness to share. Fuck battles, who won the war news today. Steven Jarrot, 7608512267: and family, red blood, skin color moot, same over the rainbows, in the shadows also. Sunny And Bright, Worlds Of Rats Running Races, Chasing Bucks, Cash, Money, Heads To Count, In The Land Of Dreams.Orange County California.

White Super-sized Freaks, preys on weak, disable, working classes.Happy and gay, stars five shining at UCLA will bite.Cattle, Bitches, Whales, Bison, Butch, buff, cows and callers.

Grass lover, just like sire, Steven Gay Jarrot, dreams lover.Toms, Dicks, Charlie, Men, Mice, Many Whores or hard knocks?Donkeys, monkeys on backs to stay, Tina and Herbs, higher two.Trees, branches, woods, cattle in to roam another day ranges.Sunny And Bright, Worlds Of Rats Running Races, Chasing Bucks, Cash, Money, Heads To Count, In The Land Of Dreams.Orange County California.


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