Cash is king, trades and tricks will do for the dense and the dim witted, frogs and freaks to check the lights. Lights on to the open windows and lights on to the open doors, to strangers to friends, to give you a hand up, and give you a hand to reach the riches on the road. Dances with snakes, tales and history to note, pages to turn, lessons learned over time. Dances with dogs, dances with snakes in the grass, excuses to make.
Horses in barns, sisters with stories, tales online, history noted, over time and space, classes on love and hate. Molly Campbell, Sarah Jarrot, Penny Moore, Chuck Mores, Pete and Rick Benson, friends and lovers, hats and horns, stories to share, pages to turn, books to write. Dances with snakes, tales and history to note, pages to turn, lessons learned over time. Dances with dogs, dances with snakes in the grass, excuses to make. Lovers and haters, sinners and saints, earth angels to some, friends and family to others, hands out to lead back, hands out to help back into the lights, dances with hell hounds, over and done. O'Jays - Cry together. Heads In Sands, Snakes, Spiders, Worms, Lovers Under The Water: Forever Loves.
Greatness to share for the acts of niceness shared.Jewels Faces of lovers, faces of frogs,Older, mature and seasoned, Peter Pan rides again.Wisdom of John Tesh. Free rides are not free, have to do a little give and take to get a ride on a boat.Dances with snakes, tales and history to note, pages to turn, lessons learned over time. Dances with dogs, dances with snakes in the grass, excuses to make.
When you are truly grateful in the moment, it’s impossible to feel fear or stress or anxiety, or any of those negative emotions that keep us for experiencing our potential. Allow gratitude to take over.Love, lust, lucky breaks, dicks, dawgs, donkeys, faces in the mud, good time toads. Dances with snakes, tales and history to note, pages to turn, lessons learned over time. Dances with dogs, dances with snakes in the grass, excuses to make.
Happy Dazes, Dallas Starr, Lucky Dukes, faces of the young at heart. Winners, losers, liars, lovers, laughter, waves to make, views online, hits on values, voices to the shadows. Dimes to drop, waves to make, walking on sunshine, boots made for climbing.Third Eye Partner. THE GODDESS WITCH “KAT” THE GODDESS WITCH: Gratitude is a powerful emotion.Dances with snakes, tales and history to note, pages to turn, lessons learned over time. Dances with dogs, dances with snakes in the grass, excuses to make.
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