Strangers to friends, dates on the beach, birds and bees out for the sunny dazes, watching the races done to death. Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?Life on the sidelines noted for the freaks out for the tricks, dicks, and cum for the tasteful delights, of the frogs on the beach. Dream life to share with the women of color, dates for the walks on the wild side, gifts to share with the freaks with oral talents to sell, or party and play for the trades, tricks, and exchanges done for the good time. Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.FROGS AND GOATS: HATE AND LOVE: HORNS OF DEVILS. HORNS TO BLOW: HORNS ON GOATS: NOT SHEEP.Pink Floyd: The Division Bell.
Trades Up :.the stars are talking to me tonight It’s about that time!! Treats. Energy : BLACK SUN. 💎💎👑🌹DRESSED🌹UNDRESSED. NY State Of Mind, State Of Blue Dreams: Not Retards, Rejects, Rednecks, Escapees: Tales To Pin. If America keeps helping millions of millions illegal people who breaks our laws, who will helps Americans . Into The Knights, Rocks To Roll, Gems To Love. Coins To Flip. Paths To Cross. Hope these children get better role models in their lives!! Great job .Eyes open, eyes on you, pictures to tell, tips, tales, wishes, dreams in colors, rats to races, chasing for fame, money, games, birds and bees,songs in the winds.

It would depend on a lot of factors, if you are the kind of person to wear wings with your clothes ever. Would you dress like a fairy with wings to go to the dentist? Would you dress as a lion to tell a story about the green state of your life? Kids would. Old people and grown-ups would not.Men And Mice: Cartoon Hits: Decades Of Frog Faces. Good Time Frogs, Snakes, Spiders And Worms. Words To Define: Truthful, Honest, Bullshit.
Thank the Great Spirit for every meal.Be kind .Show respect to all men and women, but grovel to none. Thank the Great Spirit: Tales In The Woods.
FROGS AND GOATS: HATE AND LOVE: HORNS OF DEVILS. HORNS TO BLOW: HORNS ON GOATS: NOT SHEEP.Pink Floyd: The Division Bell (Full Album)+To the dead, to the kins, rats to run, hope or cry, dances in the seasons in the sun. Pieces hope, purple Coors, rats to races. Hope hands out to hep and happiness, joys and pains, on the sunny dazes, hopes or butteries to come. Bon Jovi - Hallelujah.Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
The piper is coming to remove the damage kids. Jobs To Love.Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?FROGS AND GOATS: HATE AND LOVE: HORNS OF DEVILS. HORNS TO BLOW: HORNS ON GOATS: NOT SHEEP.Pink Floyd: The Division BellHeads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...

Common Assholes, Angry, Sarcastic, Stupid: Blue Light Specials, Glory Dazes To Come.Prince - Do Me, Baby - 01/30/82 - Capitol Theatre (OFFICIAL)Tears Of Clown, Sands Of Time, Moving Alone:Gay Boat Ride .Constants, Fucked For Life, Crooks..Prince - Do Me, Baby - 01/30/82 - Common Assholes, Angry, Sarcastic, Stupid: Blue Light Specials..Frank Agresti. all of you losers ✋☝️❤️❤️.Charcoal Group: UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY SEEKING FRIENDS.Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
COMPANIONS: SERIOUS GOSSIPS..nuts of New York. Frogs To Date. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, dates, cows to call, whales on land Frank Agresti. nuts of New York, all of you losers ✋☝️❤️❤️ — Oasis of the Mind: Monkeys In Packs, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars.Donkey Dates, Dawgs, Dicks, Veterans Taken. nuts of New York. Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
Please answer these questions from the admins. It helps them review membership requests and only they can see your answers.- ya all and all my friends and family ..🙏🌟💎👼💜😘your not a girl what are you doing on woman for men site?FROGS AND GOATS: HATE AND LOVE: HORNS OF DEVILS. HORNS TO BLOW: HORNS ON GOATS: NOT SHEEP.Pink Floyd: The Division Bell.Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
Rude…Orchestration - Fatalism? Why is it only people can go to Heaven? Because we posses Self-Determination? Choices. If God didn't exist we would have the need to create him/her they say. Profound stuff, what?FROGS AND GOATS: HATE AND LOVE: HORNS OF DEVILS. HORNS TO BLOW: HORNS ON GOATS: NOT SHEEP.Pink Floyd: The Division Bell
Hands Out, Hands Up, Helping Hands to turn, luck around, coins on the table, bets on the red colors or the black colors, poker players. Uncles To date, Uncles with boats, birthday spent on a sailboat, what a great day it was. Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?FROGS AND GOATS:Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What... HATE AND LOVE: HORNS OF DEVILS. HORNS TO BLOW: HORNS ON GOATS: NOT SHEEP.Pink Floyd: The Division Bell
Trades Up :.the stars are talking to me tonight It’s about that time!! Treats. Energy : BLACK SUN. 💎💎👑🌹DRESSED🌹UNDRESSED. NY State Of Mind, State Of Blue Dreams: Not Retards, Rejects, Rednecks, Escapees: Tales To Pin.Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What... If America keeps helping millions of millions illegal people who breaks our laws, who will helps Americans .
Into The Knights, Rocks To Roll, Gems To Love. Coins To Flip. Paths To Cross. Hope these children get better role models in their lives!! Great job .Eyes open, eyes on you, pictures to tell, tips, tales, wishes, dreams in colors, rats to races, chasing for fame, money, games, birds and bees,songs in the winds.
Birds out for the fish, seals making honking, I guess, fun and games. Notes on the sands, for dead mothers, brothers and grandparents, day of peace at the beach.Frank Agresti. all of you losers ✋☝️❤️❤️.Charcoal Group: UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY SEEKING FRIENDS. Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
COMPANIONS: SERIOUS GOSSIPS..nuts of New York. Frogs To Date. Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?FROGS AND GOATS: HATE AND LOVE: HORNS OF DEVILS. HORNS TO BLOW: HORNS ON GOATS: NOT SHEEP.Pink Floyd: The Division Bell
Trades Up :.the stars are talking to me tonight It’s about that time!! Treats. Energy : BLACK SUN. 💎💎👑🌹DRESSED🌹UNDRESSED. NY State Of Mind, State Of Blue Dreams: Not Retards, Rejects, Rednecks, Escapees: Tales To Pin.Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What... If America keeps helping millions of millions illegal people who breaks our laws, who will helps Americans .
Into The Knights, Rocks To Roll, Gems To Love. Coins To Flip. Paths To Cross. Hope these children get better role models in their lives!! Great job .Eyes open, eyes on you, pictures to tell, tips, tales, wishes, dreams in colors, rats to races, chasing for fame, money, games, birds and bees,songs in the winds.
Birds out for the fish, seals making honking, I guess, fun and games. Notes on the sands, for dead mothers, brothers and grandparents, day of peace at the beach.Frank Agresti. all of you losers ✋☝️❤️❤️.Charcoal Group: UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY SEEKING FRIENDS. Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
COMPANIONS: SERIOUS GOSSIPS..nuts of New York. Frogs To Date. Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?FROGS AND GOATS: HATE AND LOVE: HORNS OF DEVILS. HORNS TO BLOW: HORNS ON GOATS: NOT SHEEP.Pink Floyd: The Division Bell

Time alone with Pebbles the dog, with his pet Tabitha the dancer, fish for lunch, and fish for dinner, trips to the moon, good times, to share, balls on the beach. Another name for date, with guys that do not last, frogs kissed another time. Fish that flew back into the seas, dreams of blue seas, sailing the ocean of happy days again.Frank Agresti. all of you losers ✋☝️❤️❤️Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
Charcoal Group: UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY SEEKING FRIENDS. COMPANIONS: SERIOUS GOSSIPS..nuts of New York. Frogs To Date. Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
Charcoal Group: UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY SEEKING FRIENDS. COMPANIONS: SERIOUS GOSSIPS..nuts of New York. Frogs To Date. Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
Sky Guy: Fags to Go: Cum To Play, Good Times: Snakes in Dens, Steven and Reese Jarrot: 7608512267: Butches, Bitches and Dykes: Classes To Take.Frank Agresti. all of you losers ✋☝️❤️❤️.Charcoal Group: UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY SEEKING FRIENDS. COMPANIONS: SERIOUS GOSSIPS..nuts of New York. Frogs To Date. Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?FROGS AND GOATS: HATE AND LOVE: HORNS OF DEVILS. HORNS TO BLOW: HORNS ON GOATS: NOT SHEEP.Pink Floyd: The Division Bell
Polls and pools of heat, hot springs, hell hounds fall again. Jokes to tell: pigs do fly, jokes to share. Day away from beach, hot tub in the hills, when in Rome. Wet heat to share, tubs in hills, hot springs and time with the boys. Public tubs, hike in hills, just pictures to be taken. Baths in the hot springs, dicks and dogs, mine my daddy, my friends.Black, Rites, Reasons To Sing, Recaps, To Review.Elvis Was A King, Michel Jackson Lives Forever 21, Lions To Roar, Over The Rainbows, Walks Of Fame, Winners, Losers, Learners, Heads In Clouds.FROGS AND GOATS: HATE AND LOVE: HORNS OF DEVILS. HORNS TO BLOW: HORNS ON GOATS: NOT SHEEP.Pink Floyd: The Division Bell
Hands to hold, gifts to note, history of sinners and saints, Pages to write. | Life Is A Beach Blog...Good In Sweet Tips . Sharks and whales, battles on the water, wars won, dances with gun, hopes. Lots of drama, lots of actions, lots of fish to fry. Mules,Frogs, Jarrot Jewish Army 2018: Reptile Alerts: the bf is full of himself and now a criminal that thinks military service gives him a pass. as a vet myself he makes me want to puke.....Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
Wings To fly away, cons and pros.Head Hunters, Sisters With Brains, Wishes On Stars Silent Knights,Across The Decades,Family Affairs,Nuts On The Go, Winners,Losers, Learners,Lions To Roar. Shadows In The Darkness.Fangs Out.Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
Let's Go Somewhere !!!! Turn the lights on, after the sun sets, read a book,enjoy the views of the world outside. Good times snows and rivers, routes to go,over the hills,over the valleys,in the middle of the nights. Houses and homes to build,where are the pictures of the rest of the house, would like to see more.Private house,not a motel,want to live that life for the rest of my dazes on Wings To fly away, cons and pros.Head Hunters, Sisters With Brains, Wishes On Stars Silent Knights,Across The Decades,Family Affairs,Nuts On The Go, Winners,Losers, Learners,Lions To Roar. Shadows In The Darkness.Fangs Out.
tt Land Whale Stars: Rachel Wigsout: Rachel Jarrot, not Rachel Walker. Monkeys on dogwood trees, Jesus Christ, Jesuit Charlie, or Charley Jarrot 7607778998 . Hard knocks for lessons in love and devotion, life for love, love and hate. 7608512267 RV camper. Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
Steven Jarrot, sucker for free rides, computers to steal, dates on the beach. Do It To Me, One More Time. Heaven On Earth: Views, Noses, Angels Notes. Live And Learn: Hard Knocks, Games Played: Tricks, Trades, Treats: Cat In Boots.Frank Agresti. all of you losers ✋☝️❤️❤️.Charcoal Group: UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY SEEKING FRIENDS. COMPANIONS: SERIOUS GOSSIPS..nuts of New York. Frogs To Date. Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
Twisted Sister FEEL GREAT. HAVE NO PROBLEM COMING TO A POINT I THINK IT WAS YOU THAT MADE IT LIMP. I HAVE A VERY SEXY KIND SWEET LADY WHO GETS ME HARD BY JUST TALKING AND LOOKING AT ME WITH HER BEAUTIFUL SMILE.- Hope helps clean the nightmares, of life in hell with the frogs and gods from the center of the earth. Devils or seven snakes within the tribe members. Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?
Trades Up :.the stars are talking to me tonight It’s about that time!! Treats. Energy : BLACK SUN. 💎💎👑🌹DRESSED🌹UNDRESSED. NY State Of Mind, State Of Blue Dreams: Not Retards, Rejects, Rednecks, Escapees: Tales To Pin. If America keeps helping millions of millions illegal people who breaks our laws, who will helps Americans .Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What... Into The Knights, Rocks To Roll, Gems To Love. Coins To Flip. Paths To Cross. Hope these children get better role models in their lives!! Great job .Eyes open, eyes on you, pictures to tell, tips, tales, wishes, dreams in colors, rats to races, chasing for fame, money, games, birds and bees,songs in the winds.Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...
Last rites of passage on the dark side of the moon, horses racing on the sands of time, water for the rats at the end of the races done daily. Horses to walk after a long run on the shores on the sands of time, racing for the end of the rainbows, and the pots of gold, gifts to share. Words and gifts of the tales and stories of the bumps in the road here.Frank Agresti. all of you losers ✋☝️❤️❤️.Charcoal Group: UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY SEEKING FRIENDS. COMPANIONS: SERIOUS GOSSIPS..nuts of New York. Frogs To Date. Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?

How Much We Trust Someone Depends on Their Response to This Moral Dilemma....Who Do You Trust? 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Work, Wives, And What: 3 Coins, Cards, Tips: Old School R&B Relax & Chill Mix Pt.2 (2016) vocal. .Surfers, Bankers, Peter Pan, Dazes Off, Waves On The Water. Rachel Jarrot: Wigs instead of natural hair. ~ Yiddish Proverb"Land whale, pimp on wheels, bags of shit,7608512267 You can't patch up a torn friendship."Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What... In a perfect world, waves to make, rocks to roll, lots of views.. Once A Day. , 🍂 💦:🎃 🎃🍵 💪SCARY NEWS:Material snakes, junk and shit traders, buy low, sell at 400 percent markups. Jewish White land whales, crooks and robbers, dazes spent pointing fingers at others.Heads: Rachel Jarrot Hares Lost : Bald Head Baby. Jewish Wales,Reasons To Stand, Good Time Toads, Family Affairs, Tickets To Rides, Suckers In Ponds, Cheap Tricks, Faces In The Crowds. Dicks To Dawgs, Leaders Of What...

Not quite the same, not on the same page, happy and gay lifestyle to share, for the turns to sit on oral expert's face.Steven Jarrot:7608512267, RV parked in OXNARD OR VENTURA NOW NEW TRICKS?.WHITE/CUBAN MAN GAY:SUCKS. FOR MOMENTS LOST IN TIME, NIEWS, VOICES, VALUES, DIMES TO DROP, MY LOVE, MY FRIEND, MY PARTNER IN LIFE. MY NEW BOY TOY, WILL HAVE TO DO.Faces Of Frogs, Fish To Toss, Joys And Lies, Blame Games.Hands To Hearts, Who Let The Dogs Out?

It would depend on a lot of factors, if you are the kind of person to wear wings with your clothes ever. Would you dress like a fairy with wings to go to the dentist? Would you dress as a lion to tell a story about the green state of your life? Kids would.
ReplyDeleteOld people and grown-ups would not.Men And Mice: Cartoon Hits: Decades Of Frog Faces. Good Time Frogs, Snakes, Spiders And Worms. Words To Define: Truthful, Honest, Bullshit.
Snakes to invited to you home, heart, and head, watch out snakes never change. Party and play suckers to pay for attention of frogs and freaks out at night. Upland, Ventura, Oxnard, Ontario, Claremont, Beverly Hills, La Quinta are just some of the pits tops for herds of cattle, buffalos, butches, bitches, fags, frogs in army, friends undead and unstable.
Mad World Harrasment or disrespect to other members will not be tolerated. Post- Political, funny, odd, historical, gore, anything comic-related, etc. Laughs out loud, lots of love, leaders of shit, dung and fecal matter.