Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The little things...The little moments...They aren’t little.🌟 It’s a second chance. πŸŒŸπŸ•ŠπŸŒŸ

Not sure where I was going with that really. Meetup Rancho Santa Margarita Knowledge Sharing Meetup Group.I would like to share Universal Principles and The Art of True Light to help.One they said is a thief and the other is there for cooking and using and selling meth, while her child was in the same trailer. I think her name now is Franks but she been married several times so she probably isn't sure of her last name, it has changed so often.

They both just probably yelled rape to try and get lighter sentences for themselves. From what all I have heard about the mandy girl is that she has been a drug using tramp for several years now. I have actually heard men talking about 3 or 4 of them lining up to do her one after the other.People like that don't deserve children. Some of us are good peoople and would cherish a child, not bring her up living the life of a drugged out whore.


The little things...The little moments...They aren’t little.🌟 It’s a second chance. πŸŒŸπŸ•ŠπŸŒŸOne they said is a thief and the other is there for cooking and using and selling meth, while her child was in the same trailer. I think her name now is Franks but she been married several times so she probably isn't sure of her last name, it has changed so often.

They both just probably yelled rape to try and get lighter sentences for themselves. From what all I have heard about the mandy girl is that she has been a drug using tramp for several years now. I have actually heard men talking about 3 or 4 of them lining up to do her one after the other.People like that don't deserve children. Some of us are good peoople and would cherish a child, not bring her up living the life of a drugged out whore.

Smoking' on the herbs help me see a little better, looking' 4 a job in this cold ass weather! Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please:Suicide - sexual! U take a walk, any liars in the house?Watch out, I'm trying' 2 get my shit together.The little things...The little moments...They aren’t little.🌟 It’s a second chance. πŸŒŸπŸ•ŠπŸŒŸ

One they said is a thief and the other is there for cooking and using and selling meth, while her child was in the same trailer. I think her name now is Franks but she been married several times so she probably isn't sure of her last name, it has changed so often.

They both just probably yelled rape to try and get lighter sentences for themselves. From what all I have heard about the mandy girl is that she has been a drug using tramp for several years now. I have actually heard men talking about 3 or 4 of them lining up to do her one after the other.People like that don't deserve children. Some of us are good peoople and would cherish a child, not bring her up living the life of a drugged out whore.

Time of our lives are here, the best that we can be, be a honey bee in all things, not a wasp, another for an asshole in the world of bugs. Bugs, bees, butterflies, trips to the woods, the dogwood trees, the woods to grandmother house.

One they said is a thief and the other is there for cooking and using and selling meth, while her child was in the same trailer. I think her name now is Franks but she been married several times so she probably isn't sure of her last name, it has changed so often.

They both just probably yelled rape to try and get lighter sentences for themselves. From what all I have heard about the mandy girl is that she has been a drug using tramp for several years now. I have actually heard men talking about 3 or 4 of them lining up to do her one after the other.People like that don't deserve children. Some of us are good peoople and would cherish a child, not bring her up living the life of a drugged out whore.

Fairy tales to rewrite, fairy tales daily life, fairy tales around the world. Fairy tales, to take the hard knows, fairy tales to share the love and the hate, horns of goats, horns to blow, coins flipping daily events. When people tell me that a third party vote is a wasted vote.Smoking' on the herbs help me see a little better, looking' 4 a job in this cold ass weather! Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please:Suicide - sexual! U take a walk, any liars in the house?Watch out, I'm trying' 2 get my shit together.

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