Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hidden Castles

Kindness Church
Wow, great picture. Count me in that religion today, forever and now. KINDNESS CHURCH. Out of  darkness and the shadows. Dreams. Fighting to live, to take a stand for good not evil, ready to shine in the lights of dazes in the sunlight.Starting with the stones and gems found buried under the piles darkness in the herds. Under waters now.

 BUDDIEST ARE BELIEVERS OF REINCARNATION; GOD, WITH JESUS CHRIST AS GOD'S SON, IS MY RELIGION AND GOD IS MY EVERYTHING Travelers Walks: Wow, great out of water, mermaids real fun for young at heart. Out of  darkness and the shadows. Dreams. Fighting to live, to take a stand for good not evil, ready to shine in the lights of dazes in the sunlight.Starting with the stones and gems found buried under the piles darkness in the herds. Under waters now.

Steven Jarrot, and his band of mules, gifts of oral delights, charmer snake in the grass. Once a snake always a snake, a frog and American Toad. Leader of a pack of hell hounds, date a snake with good looks, and lack of 6 cans for a 6 pack, dream mate. Love partner, life partner, lies and twisted turths and honesty, truth and honesty, punch lines. Party like a Jewish Person, better than a rock star, stands for the black and whales of the matter, whales on land, whales on the seas, kill a shark by fliping over to dream a little dream, and eat whole. Thank God it did not happen, thank god for the fires in the RV, thanks for the signs from the stars.

Land 2015,760360613 Fruits and nuts in the tribe. 7609020855. Randy, Rachel, Steven, Sheri, Charles R., Jacqline the $10 Million thief, Allstate fake claims, how many this month? Family practice, and lines of cash for the doctored damages, tell about this one, how much for shit stolen?  Sima Jarrot, snakes of the world of frogs. Kissed a frog-Steven Jarrot, Mules for the pills of dung, RV campers to date.

....need account help. hacker deleted account, get back in place....nice picture, thanks, sleeping lion. Games played with crooks and robbers, cowboys and Calling in Desert. Cows,Cattle, And Cattlecalls, Ready for What?...Enough for the Charmed....Game Over......Snakes in the Grass

Cages for the freaks, cages for the cattle and the cattle callers, cages for the frogs to date for the party and play time on the beach. Gifts to share for the deeds and the actions done, changes for the cages for the frogs on the beach, dates in the dated RV by the beach in Ventura, Ca for the year of 2014, and the start of 2015. Tricks, trades, dicks to suck for the free will and the chances to flip a car

Thanks so much for the little girl, thanks so much for the love of the kids within, lessons learned, can not fix people short of brains. Can not fix snakes. Can not fix dense and dumb. My lesson learned is that we can not fix broken people, if they live in glass houses, and the are the land whales, searching for prey to rob blind. Free will on the lines, with the good looks of the hell hounds, talks about what you have, and cheat, steal and take for self on 13 levels. Daddy for the little girls lost, daddy for the kisses of cum to drink, suck the free will out, dead again.

ENGLISH words, for the wise. Stupid can not be fixed, dense and dump for a season in the sun, as a frog or a fish  plenty of them both in the sea. To fail: first attempt in learning. To end: effects never dies on one hand and no on the other hand: define as next opportunity, turning the page and moving  foward. Fuck views of others, get up and dance away from blues of fish in the sea. Good times, happy times to share for the joys and pains.

The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not. We do not need to guess. We know, we respect and appreciate direct approach.

Clowns to left, jokers to the right, good times. Basket cases on the beach. Rachel and dead bird, lost in the winds. Sheri and Charles R. Jarrot, 7607778998, crooks with steal from babies. Prey on the beach, watch out for land whales, parties to pay, trades for free wills. Rats and fairy tales, life lessons learned. Mental for a fee. Crazy, dizzy, rich with laughs to share, about the bumps in the road. Your luck is in, bright lights on the dark side of the moon.

 Stars of David, nice shades of blue, on the seas of chances to take. Prey on the beach, watch out for land whales, parties to pay, trades for free wills. Rats tails, stories to share, frogs or fish blowing in the wind, good times.Rats and fairy tales, life lessons learned. Mental for a fee. Crazy, dizzy, rich with laughs to share, about the bumps in the road. Your luck is in, blue stars shooting, bright lights on the dark side of the moon, Stars of David, nice shades of blue, on the seas of chances to take.

 Love or hate, flip the coin, lights on love the horns of a goat. Seven sins to keep the orders over the herds of frogs, trapped inside of the beasts of light and darkness, for lessons to be learned. Books on days of the week, seven short men jumping back into the graves for color rocks. Gems in the dirt, buried in piles of shit, the weights of the world, searching for the stones and rocks to keep. People  are stars, buried in piles of shit, lost in the herds.

 Nice shot. Hit me with your best shot, girlfriend. Happy for hands out to help up, back on boat. Delights  flipping the pages, flipping the cards, flipping the pages of the sands on time. Time lost in space and lost in time, fairies, pixies and angels. Sheep in the fields, wolves out of the house, where is the girl :Shephard watch the sheep.


  1. Steven Jarrot,7608512267...Once a snake always a snake, a frog and American Toad. Leader of a pack of hell hounds, date a snake with good looks, and lack of 6 cans for a 6 pack, dream mate. Love partner, life partner, lies and twisted turths and honesty, truth and honesty, punch lines. Party like a Jewish Person, better than a rock star, stands for the black and whales of the matter, whales on land, whales on the seas, kill a shark by flipping over to dream a little dream, and eat whole. Thank God it did not happen, thank god for the fires in the RV, thanks for the signs from the stars.


  2. BUDDIEST ARE BELIEVERS OF REINCARNATION; GOD, WITH JESUS CHRIST AS GOD'S SON, IS MY RELIGION AND GOD IS MY EVERYTHING Travelers Walks: Wow, great out of water, mermaids real fun for young at heart. Out of darkness and the shadows. Dreams. Fighting to live, to take a stand for good not evil, ready to shine in the lights of dazes in the sunlight.Starting with the stones and gems found buried under the piles darkness in the herds. Under waters now.

    Steven Jarrot, and his band of mules, gifts of oral delights, charmer snake in the grass. Once a snake always a snake, a frog and American Toad. Leader of a pack of hell hounds, date a snake with good looks, and lack of 6 cans for a 6 pack, dream mate. Love partner, life partner, lies and twisted turths and honesty, truth and honesty, punch lines. Party like a Jewish Person, better than a rock star, stands for the black and whales of the matter, whales on land, whales on the seas, kill a shark by fliping over to dream a little dream, and eat whole. Thank God it did not happen, thank god for the fires in the RV, thanks for the signs from the stars.

  3. Sometimes....Cycles, Circles, Seasons Of Joys: 20/20 Dreams 2 C...Beneath The Story: ..Elaine Schiavone . Oasis of the Mind: Monkeys In Packs, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars.Donkey Dates, Dawgs, Dicks, Veterans Taken. SEEKING FRIEND, COMPANION: Frogs To Date. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks on veterans is the top of their games, to play,better than the dogs in the houses. Tales of the dirty deeds done. Monkeys in packs, to dodge.Dicks, Dogs, Dates,Rednecks And Birds. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge. Pages to books to recap, recall, and review.

  4. Views and noses, online history, not news today. Pages to turn.Fairy Tales, Out The Bible, History To Note.‹ 😇🔥📈image go viral!!!✊🏾👸🏽OLD SCHOOL GROWN & SEXY R&B MIX. Black Man and Woman: A war is going on between God and Satan over you.Minister Louis Farrakhan:Quote.Cows to call home, pages to books.Smooching Frogs: Dicks, Dawgs 2.Wars and battles, live and learn, birds and bees singing songs. Black Man and Woman: A war is going on between God and Satan over you.Minister Louis Farrakhan:Quote.Frank Agresti , 🍂 💦:🎃 🎃🍵 💪Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago.

    Minister Louis Farrakhan...:Dreams of warm knights, dances until dawn, trips to the moon, sailing.Views Online, History .Hosting949 Hot454 Open to nice hard cocks Married ok Bi ok1221 Curious ok First time ok Home from college ok 18+ disease free hiv neg Hurry Hosting 62 bear. Tight bottom here.THIS IS AWFUL😡👿😠 💘💘Shots, Bumps In Road,..💖💖💝...Ships To Pass, Learning Lessons All The Time. Hearts To Heal.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent. Life is a season of changes.James Bush: Tips Shared: Thanks So Much. You guys like poems? Here's one: QUOTE | He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got no body, He's got no face.

  7. Voices, Views, Values, Visits To The Dead, Fallen Stars, Windy Knights, Frogs In The End.Fairies Woods: Wood Fairy: Snow White, fairy tale, witch had a bad apple, killed by hate for a moment in time. Good men, fish or frogs with house in woods, saved the day. Happy hearts, happy hands, lots of joy and pleasures share, family members.Voices, Views, Values, Visits To The Dead, Fallen Stars, Windy Knights, Frogs In The End. Charms and graces needed for signs of times. Dukes, Kings, with horses racing to plant kisses. Layers Of Light, Leaders, Lessons, Love, Luck, Coins To Flip, Cards To Play, Good Tales: Reviews. Storytelling, Fundamental Intelligence Share, Donkeys 2 Pin: Jewish Rat Racers. Steers and queers, on that side of the family, Cuban transplants, Paul and Sima Jarrot, weeks before the bun- Steven Jarrot, was born an American Toad. Frogs, Toads, or Jackasses. pick? Super man? Super Sucker Man-Steven Jarrot, 7603601613- whale on land to date, drugs to share, gift of good looks, nice for a gay male fag hag, steer or queer? Fruits and nuts to go, for the good times and for Steven's oral talents to shine. Any ladies and dicks on the down low: like great Kush? great oral? - m4m- 46 Upland?Santa Monica?RV Camper to date. 7605643510....Kissed a frog-Steven Jarrot, Mules for the pills of dung, RV campers to date: need account help. .hands to help, broken wings, earth angels, veterans with skills, sisters of color, common story. Love bites the dust...
